星期二, 9月 16, 2008

Lehman's 30 largest unsecured creditors' claims

The following is a list of the 30 largest unsecured claims by creditors of Lehman Brothers as listed in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing.

1. Aozora Bank: Bank loan $463 million

2. Mizuho: Bank loan $289 million

3. Citibank (Hong Kong branch): Bank loan $275 million

4. BNP Paribas: Bank loan $250 million

5. Shinsei Bank: Bank loan $231 million

6. UFJ Bank Ltd: Bank loan $185 million

7. Sumitomo Mitsubishi Banking Corp: Bank loan $177 million

8. Svenska Handelsbanken: Letter of credit $140.6 million

9. KBC Bank: Letter of credit $100 million

10. Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd: Bank loan $93 million

11. Shinkin Central Bank: Bank loan $93 million

12. The Bank of Nova Scotia: Bank loan $93 million

13. Chuo Mitsui Trust: Bank loan $93 million

14. Lloyds Bank: Letter of credit $75.4 million

15. Hua Nan Commercial Bank: Bank loan $59 million

16. Bank of China ( New York branch): Bank loan $50 million

17. Nippon Life Insurance Co. : Bank loan $46 million

18. ANZ Banking Group: Bank loan $44 million

19. Standard Chartered Bank: Bank loan $41 million

20. Standard Chartered Bank: Letter of credit $36.1 million

21. First Commercial Bank Co. : Bank loan $25 million

22. Bank of Taiwan: Bank loan $25 million

23. DnB NOR Bank ASA: Bank loan $25 million

24. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group: Bank loan $25 million

25. Australia National Bank: Letter of credit $12.6 million

26. National Australia Bank: Letter of credit $10.3 million

27. Taipei Fubon Bank, New York Agency: Bank loan $10 million

In addition, the following three entries show positions by banks acting as indenture trustees, who administer the bonds but have no exposure to them.

1. Citigroup (as indenture trustee, under the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Senior Notes) : Bond debt ca. $138 bln

2. Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (as indenture trustee under the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. subordinated debt): Bond debt ca. $12 bln

3. Bank of New York Mellon Corporation(as indenture trustee under the Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. junior subordinated debt): Bond debt ca. $5 bln


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11 則留言:

  1. Thanks your information. I found that most of them are Japan Banks. therefore, i expected tomorrow Japan stock market will have more struggle than Hong kong

  2. Thanks for sharing! It's very useful.
    You can also highlight no.16 BOC for those who own 3988.

  3. Thanks.. How about AIG?

    Do you have a similar list?

  4. Bank of China is also on the list?!

    BOC is unlucky that it has bad stuff all the time.

  5. no 3 is Citibank (Hong Kong branch)?

  6. 對渣打的影響似乎好輕微,市場先生你認為如何?

  7. citigroup 的 $138 億美金有多少影響?

  8. 渣打d lc 如果對家肯過水, 應該有機回撥. 對嗎 ?

  9. 請問先生的資料來源出自何處?

  10. 回應Raymond : 多謝意見.

    回應Post Box : AIG無申請破產保護.

    回應Post Box: 中銀身為最國際化的銀行, 有借錢俾Lehman唔出奇.

    回應hermanwest : yes.

    回應JL: 影響唔大.

    回應無名士: 138 bln 當然係天文數字, 不過Citi 只係indenture trustee, 負責管理, 應該唔使上身.

    回應無名士: 理論上有機會.

    回應indenture trustees: 網上資料
