Mr. Market. Seem to me that once you have 2356 in your profolio. Did you sell it and at what price did you sell it? I recently buy 800@13.4. Is is worth to keep in long term? Thanks! Weldon
Mr.Market.. I have two questions wanna ask you!I am also a christian and a Economics student in HKU..
1. How old are you now, how come you can accumulate so much wealth?
2. As i knew that you will still have your basic enjoyment and leisure, why you can balance your big investment portfolio and your life-enjoyment so much
Mr. Market. Seem to me that once you have 2356 in your profolio. Did you sell it and at what price did you sell it? I recently buy 800@13.4. Is is worth to keep in long term? Thanks! Weldon
回覆刪除我個MPF 已經由global growth 轉去中港股票了.對中國同香港投信任的一票
回覆刪除I have two questions wanna ask you!I am also a christian and a Economics student in HKU..
1. How old are you now, how come you can accumulate so much wealth?
2. As i knew that you will still have your basic enjoyment and leisure, why you can balance your big investment portfolio and your life-enjoyment so much
Where is your 716 le?
回覆刪除Please tell me
先生,為什麼你的3328 好像少了很多?印象中你好似有萬幾股.....<--- 可能記錯...@@
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中國人壽(2628)上月保費收入307億元人民幣 升33%