星期五, 1月 04, 2008


雖然近期生果報的金手指話等待匯豐先減派息 再 發 盈 警 , 目標價見112.5元, 另外, 里昂維持給予匯豐控股(0005)沽售評級,目標價110港元. 雖然咁多人睇淡匯豐, 不過今日我仍然趁匯豐股價下跌, 以129.9為家人的組合買左3手匯豐. 按我一貫的風格, 如果匯豐.股價再跌我會再為家人的組合加碼買入. 市場的言論不足恐懼, 股價下跌也不足畏懼, 只要係優質股票, 只要價錢抵買, 而手上有錢, 打電話俾經紀幫你買入, 然後繼續如常地工作生活, 仍然可以做一個輕鬆的投資者.

8 則留言:

  1. Mr. Market,

    I am interested in buying HSBC as well. However, I am concerned about its exposure to credit derivatives like collateralized debt obligation (CDO) and especially credit default swap (CDS). What's your take on this?

  2. 如認為現價抵買,以你之資產,可考慮用accumulator買滙丰,有9%折扣,accumulate 十二个月,每月入一次,一年為止。股價升破102% knock out。又可再做另一張。

  3. 完全同意,有時睇得太貼分分鍾工都無埋.匯豐銀行而家個價真係正到不得了

    好似今日信報曹仁超講Goldman Sachs 今年賺 大錢都比同業影響升15%

    匯豐都有影響,不過最先處理,仲有美國佬只係得25% 全球GDP,匯豐係全球性公司.完全Write off 25% 都唔係傷唔會死.

  4. 回應 another value investor: 如果無呢d憂慮,匯豐就唔會賣緊130蚊, 如果無次按的問題, 相信匯豐現時的股價應該在180蚊以上.

    回應ngkf : 完全同意, 匯豐的問題被過份反應, 匯豐的價值被過份忽略.

    回應dawn: 有無多d accumulate 的資料?

  5. 駛咩做accumulator,直接沽匯豐put咪得囉,省得比銀行或者PB食多層。

  6. Sorry, my Chinese hand writing pad is not functioning.

    Accumulator is a contract fixed at current market price for a summation of USD1m. This can be done for 1 client or a few clients gather together. The banker will try to find clients to join in if one client expresses interest. Usually the minimum for one client is HKD1m over 12 months, i.e. 1/12 of a mil per month. Shares will be delivered to you at the discounted price (e.g. #5 is 9.+%, 2628, 2318 up to 16% discount) at the end of the month period every month. You are free to sell them or keep them as wished. The contract will be knocked out once the closing price hits 102% of the market price done for the contract. You will get the shares for the whole month even if the knock out date is the first day of the month.

    Does this sound attractive? The catch here is that if the closing price has gone down beyond the discounted price, you'll have to buy double the quantity for those days until the end of the contract. That means, at its max it can go up to $2m in a year. But, of course, you can choose to sell out the shares at you accumulate every month.

    I am accumulating #5 and #3288.

  7. Hi Dawn,

    好似唔多化算, 做了銀行和輪商的對沖.

    林森池都有個朋友有10M 本來買941 @50幾,不過佢做了accumulator 而中移動升得多而knockout 了.需然拿了股(好似大約比得1M貨),不過比原本用10M直接買唔見好多.

    不如見好即買or 月供仲好.

  8. 回應dawn: 非常多謝你的資料.
