最近筆者心情沉痛與哀傷, 有網友竟然以為筆者是因為最近宏利股價每況愈下的關係, 實在是太不了解筆者了. 回想去年3月的時候, 匯豐股價跌至33元, 宏利股價跌至55.3元, 筆者永久組合的市值跌至1.6M左右, 筆者仍然可以安然面對, 仍然如常食飯,睡覺,工作,玩樂. 對筆者來講, 錢財只是身外物, 股票升值筆者當然也會開心,股票市值下跌筆者仍然會是一個樂觀的投資人. 對筆者來講, 最重要的是親人, 親情, 家庭和健康, 因此, 能夠牽動筆者心緒的就只有這些.
最後, 要多謝所有留言安慰和祝福筆者的朋友, 無言感激.
台灣yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
新浪Sina: http://graham_choi2003.mysinablog.com/
香港yahoo: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
Wealth cannot relief your pain, but faith and time can. May God bless you.
回覆刪除Yeah!!! Cheer up~~! God is love and only the joy from Him will last forever. The joy from 945 stock surge will only last for a while~@! :)
回覆刪除May God's fruitful grace always be with you and your family~~!
In Him
很開心見你從哀傷中慢慢愎原。Add Oil. GOD be with you every moment.
monkey23 : Do you remember me? It's a long time not to drop comment to your blog but actually I'm still your fans to see your blog! From your previous passage, I really know that you must have some sad feeling on your surroundings' but I don't know what happen! Anyway, time can heal and please cheer up! As I know you much from your blog, and hence I know that you will not be sad because of "losing" money from stocks. As your said, life's important thing is not just for money or it will become "窮得只剩下錢"
回覆刪除Hey, I wanna know how you think about 945 in coming future, say in coming 5 months. Thanks!
all best wishes to you.
回覆刪除多謝大家關心. 時間會治療一切的悲痛.