Exactly.....there are so many fake silver coin of China that I basically do not dare to collect them. I collect the US 1 dollar silver instead. However, there are so many people like to buy those coins lately that the price is a lot higher than the silver content inside.
先生,我也喜歡收集錢幣,我聽錢幣鋪老闆講,中國的銀幣有很多仿真度好高既假貨,佢自己都仲個招,袁大銀咁hit ,真係要睇多2眼喎,另,我都好中意清朝的龍銀,美國的錢幣也幾好,大一元很有手感。
回覆刪除Exactly.....there are so many fake silver coin of China that I basically do not dare to collect them. I collect the US 1 dollar silver instead. However, there are so many people like to buy those coins lately that the price is a lot higher than the silver content inside.
回覆刪除請問我有一些香港舊五元鈔票, 現在值多少錢及錢幣鋪會唔會收呢?