Hi Mr Market, Ping An's premium growht is slower than China Life. Is this due to the different channel used by these two companies? I remember reading that China Life has more insurance sold through banks while Ping An still concentrated on using agents. thus although premium growth in china life is higher, the margin may be actually lower?
你好呀, 我網名叫(小小野) 我一直都有留意你個BLOG, 我今年20歲, 一直都有睇理財,選股D書, 最中意係PETER LYNCH,其實我開始左睇業績都有一段時間, 但係都有D野唔明, 想問你有冇EMAIL OR MSN 可以聯絡你, 好讓我可以方便問你一些問題, 令我可以學識睇業績既技考和有什麼要特別注意...
回覆刪除Hi Mr Market,
回覆刪除Ping An's premium growht is slower than China Life. Is this due to the different channel used by these two companies? I remember reading that China Life has more insurance sold through banks while Ping An still concentrated on using agents. thus although premium growth in china life is higher, the margin may be actually lower?
looks like 2628 still a better choice.
回覆刪除回應小小野: 你可以在此發問.
回覆刪除回應RC: 平保多透過個人代理而少用銀保渠道, 所以平保賣的保險係長期d, 對內含價值貢獻大.
回應無名士; 保費增長固然係好, 但保單的盈利質素以及對內含價值的貢獻也非常重要. 2318和2628我都喜歡.
Hi 市場先生,
我覺得風險好大, 請問先生有什建議呢?
Thank you!
回應頭痛sasa: 你的問題責任重大, 我唔適合俾意見, sorry.