194廖創興企業最近股價升上52週高位8.96, 筆者的目標價9元基本已經到達. 筆者於09年5月25日推介194, 當時股價為5.17, 當日恆生指數為17,121.82點, 194現價為8.78, 比當日升了69.83%, 同期恆生指數的升幅只有24.08%. 如果大家想先沽出194獲利, 筆者認為是可行的. 至於289永安, 現價為12.32, 仍未到筆者的目標價14元, 應該繼續持有.
台灣yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
新浪Sina: http://graham_choi2003.mysinablog.com/
香港yahoo: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
Dear Mr Market:
回覆刪除The PE of 1207 is only 3+ !
Do u think that it is underpriced ?
What is its reasonable price?
Thank you very much !
回應無名氏: 內地2線地產股我會選擇813.
回覆刪除回應天誠明: 一線內房股我認為688中國海外最好.
回覆刪除Mr Market,
回覆刪除I am currently having a monthly investment plan with the bank. But it charges 50 dollar per transaction. Since I choose 4 stocks (945,2888,939,1398), it costs me $200 per month. Considering I am only investing $10000 monthly, it seem to erode my profit.. Is there any other bank or broker firm that charge less?
Please recommand me.
Thank you!
for L,
回覆刪除why don't choose bochk as monthly installment bank.
it just costs u $50 per month
Thanks Mr.Market I'm still holding 194@$6 since 先生推介.
回覆刪除If I sell it now, when do you think to buy back again ?
Thanks again!
回應無名氏: 基建股無研究.
回覆刪除回應無名氏2:最近已經買了2601太保, 當然看好. 分析報告要遲些才寫.
回應johnsize : 194如果沽出, 可以等7元以下再買回, 但未必有機會.
I've sold it at $8.15 and hope I could buy back at a price below $7
先生. 多多保重. 祝你身心都健康。
回覆刪除btw. 有空能否請你更新月供計劃, 四月後好似停了呢...?