今日以99.9為交易組合買入500股宏利. 以0.84倍帳面值買入世界級的保險股, 無需要高深的分析都知道長遠計贏面好大, 會繼續越跌越買.
於目前的市況買宏利的確需要勇氣, 於目前的市況公開透露買入宏利需要雙倍的勇氣.
台灣yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
新浪Sina: http://graham_choi2003.mysinablog.com/
香港yahoo: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
宏利在金融海嘯前賣出很多高息產品, 其後不斷hedge, 到現在, 究竟hedge晒未呢? 低息環境至少還要延續多兩年喎.
回覆刪除size 一樣,but 盤數靚好多wo
回覆刪除dear mr market ,
回覆刪除i want to buy more 336/546/886 at this market level and hold for at least 5-8 years. pls advise me they deserve to do it or not. the reason is all of them are basic need of chinese people. and pe and ROA is good. 886 and 546 paid high dividend too. pls help me from your professional point of view. many thanks !
i want to buy more 336/546/886 at this market level and hold for at least 5-8 years. pls advise me they deserve to do it or not. the reason is all of them are basic need of chinese people. and pe and ROA is good. 886 and 546 paid high dividend too. pls help me from your professional point of view. many thanks !
回覆刪除same vision here, buy more 945, hehehe. it is for long term only :)
回覆刪除i work in Manulife as agent, i don't even need courage to buy-in more, it is such an easy decision everytime it drops.
回覆刪除Blog新手,寫左篇 用「老公」的角度睇「宏利」,望賜評