睇完"華爾街金融大鱷", 感受良多. 有人批評香港政府政策向地產商傾斜, 本地地產商巧取豪奪, 以致市民辛勞工作, 卻變相為地產商打工. 其實在美國, 政府政策同樣向某些商界勢力傾斜, 不同的是, 傾斜的對象由地產商換成華爾街, 誇張D講, 不少美國人變相為華爾街打工. 政府官員的無能, 官商勾結, 縱容包庇, 華爾街的貪婪, 造成了金融海嘯的爆發, 受苦的始終是一眾普通市民. 至於華爾街金融大鱷, 仍然可以花天酒地, 出席所謂慈善酒會, 仍然在鬥誰的鑽石首飾大D名貴D.
不要同我講, 有得揀先至係老闆, 選票可以改變一切, 包括不公義. (實情是, 無論有無得揀, 普通市民都唔會係老闆). 在美國, 無錢你根本無可能出來競選. 因此, 在美國, 政府向商界, 石油商, 華爾街等傾斜, 係理所當然的. 至於貧苦大眾, 流浪街頭, "訓"公園, who cares? 投票只是公民應有的權利, that's it. 根本不能改變貧富懸殊, 施政不公, 官商勾結等社會問題, 因為貪婪是人性.
華爾街金融大鱷這套電影的主題是, Greed is legal, but you get to know how to play the game. 此外, 戲中的米高德格拉斯絕對是一個價值投資者, 深明人棄我取至勝之道, 在別人恐懼的時候, 貪婪地大手掃貨, 並且有耐性地等待價值回歸.
面對金融海嘯, 竟然有言論反對政府救市, 仍然堅持自由市場不應干預, 簡直無知到極. 巴菲特的反應簡單直接, 政府必須出手.
戲中仍然有令到筆者產生共鳴的情節. 例如, 相信每個老公最希望老婆同自己講的一句說話, "I am pregnant".
此外, 無論是如何強悍的華爾街金融大鱷, 面對親情, 都會軟化下來. 如果親生女兒不夠份量, 再加上外孫, 簡直無法抗拒.
整體來講, 筆者非常enjoy套戲, 尤其是一眾大行高層在美聯儲開會的一幕. 現實當中, 筆者最欣賞和敬佩的華爾街銀行家是JP Morgan 的Jamie Dimon.
台灣yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
新浪Sina: http://graham_choi2003.mysinablog.com/
香港yahoo: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
回覆刪除回應Eric : 內銀股的估值絕對不高, 但監管要求是目前要面對的不明朗因素. 我有意寫返銀行業.
回應Calvin : 通常宏利會在第3季進行精算假設調整, 因此, 第3季業績仍然面臨不明朗因素. 詳細分析請看下星期二登出的宏利系列最後一篇.
回覆刪除市場先生希望你堅持下去, 你會繼續寫有關銀行業的分析, 對我們來說你終於重出江湖了. 感謝您.
回覆刪除Mr. Market,
回覆刪除Thanks a lot. Then, I will buy more if it drops more after the 3rd result announcement.
之前先生你買了839做投機, 唔知先生現在還有沒有其它投機買入ge選擇?
回覆刪除Mr. Market,
回覆刪除分析完 945 後,你會分析另一隻保險股 2628 嗎?
2628 落後大市,A 股升也不見得它回升。它還是
Mr. Market,
回覆刪除Just wonder if you would like to discuss more about the market tmr at a book club meeting organized by RCM Asia Pacific. In which, Dr. Mark Konyn and Arthur Shek will talk about the global market and China and RMB. It would be much great if you could come and spare us some thoughts.
Venue: 21/F Cheung Kong Centre, Central
Date: 18 Oct
Time: 19:00-20:00
Contact: Sandra 22388847
The problem of whether to save the banks or not is not as simple as a moral hazard problem. Now the US is in a balance sheet recession, which requires a painful process of deleveraging. Saving the banks prevents free fall in the economy, but it slows down the deleveraging process.
回覆刪除Of course it will be very painful at the start if the Fed and government did not save the banks, it nevertheless speed up the deleveraging process. So save or not save is the choice between sluggish economy for many years and short-term shock and healthy recovery.
Also noteworthy is that the financial crisis isn't over yet. The foreclosuregate problem has become something important to watch. Last night even Bank of America announced better than expected result, the share prices plunged as PIMCO, Blackrock and New York Fed might force BofA to repurchase some $47bn worth of mortgage backed securities as they were not unwritten properly.