根據報導匯豐將由下月6日起全面推行彈性工作政策,員工只要符合合約規定的每日工作時數,便可自由選擇上、下班時間; 另外,員工也可選擇在家工作,最多每周兩天.
筆者十分贊成彈性上班的安排, 曾經去澳洲公幹, 當地的同事便是採用彈性上班, 例如正常是9點上班, 5點下班, 如果你想早些離開公司, 例如筆者有個同事, 每日要4點下班去接小朋友放學, 她只需提早1小時上班, 便可以提早1小時下班. 如果某日遲左起身, 遲左返抵公司, 唔緊要, 自己按比例遲d放工便可以了, 上司唔會鬧你. 每個員工都可以自己安排上下班的時間, 無需打卡, 無人會check住你, 全部靠自律, 員工覺得得到信任, 又有彈性, 切合個人的生活安排. 另外, 澳洲的工作環境比香港優勝, 例如有一層健身室, 員工可以做運動和沖涼, 每星期還有1天下午茶時間, 有野飲有小食(費用全部出公數), 讓員工傾談放鬆下. 如果不是為了結婚, 筆者真想留在澳洲工作.
至於在家工作, 沙士期間, 或者平時放病假, 筆者都是在家工作. 不過, 老實講, 在家工作的效率不高, 始終用VPN虛擬私人網路接駁公司的電腦系統比較慢, 而且在家裡難免受其他野吸引, 例如電視, 電台, 報紙, 雜誌等. 因此, 在家工作通常只是維持minimal support to the users. 不過, 照筆者一些曾經在匯豐IT部門工作的朋友透露, 佢地的工作效率本身已經不高, 所以可能同在家工作分別不太大.
台灣yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
新浪Sina: http://graham_choi2003.mysinablog.com/
香港yahoo: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
回覆刪除彈性上班又好、甚至no paid leave都好,落在會計界手上最後都會變成no paid OT。
所以外國公司沒有競爭力 ?
回覆刪除Good evening mr market:
回覆刪除Thank you very much for your expert teaching!
Why there is so many insiders of 0941 sell out 941?
Is there any problem with 941?
Thank you vey much for your expert analysis, again!
Only suitable for industry like IT.
回覆刪除for other industry, it just day dream idiot
I was working in the HSBC a few years ago. I can have zero productivity (i.e. did nothing) for a whole week. When it is zero, does it have difference between home working and office working?
回覆刪除i work from home twice a week in US. many of my colleagues do so as well. it increases my productivity since i can save 2 hours from work commute.
回覆刪除Lam July,
回覆刪除In that case, it was your boss' fault, inefficient management, to allow such thing to happen. Was your department in the process of migrating to China, or India?
no paid OT 唔係會計界專利
回覆刪除No, I was working in an expending support unit. Just because there are too many redundant staff in HSBC. It may be true that the manager need enough man power below him for keeping is manager position.
回覆刪除回應若缺齋老人 : 有朋友在BIG4 工作, 放no pay leave 但照舊要做野.
回覆刪除回應小象: 澳洲公司效率極低, 少少transaction volume, 但請一大班人.
回應ken : 941應該過左最黃金的時期, 雖然仍然是優質股.
回應林 七月 : 銀行講求control 和security, 效率低唔出奇.
回應無名士: 多謝留言.
但係有澳洲公司去某銀行做efficiency check
回覆刪除hi, i am a student from BU and i am now conducting a research which is about flexible working hour, may i ask u that do u know any company in hk is applying this policy, as i need their help to fill in the questionnaires.Thanks!!!!
回覆刪除my e-mail address is: