1. quarterly shareholders' net income of $510 million, compared to $1,070 million for the same period last year.
2. quarterly fully diluted earnings per share of $0.33, compared to $0.70 for the same period last year.
3. Return on common shareholders' equity was 8.2 per cent in the third quarter of 2008, compared to 18.9 per cent in 2007.
4. The sharp declines in global equity markets reduced reported earnings in the quarter by $574 million.
- Equity market charges relate to segregated fund and variable annuity guarantees and fee income ($318 million)
- equity investments supporting our non-experience adjusted policy liabilities ($154 million)
- reduced capitalized future fee income on equity-linked and variable universal life products ($86 million)
- impairments on equity positions in the Corporate and Other segment ($16 million)
5. credit losses related to previously disclosed exposures and to credit downgrades totaled $253 million.
- Lehman Brothers ($156 million)
- AIG ($32 million)
- Washington Mutual ($4 million)
- reserve strengthening on credit downgrades ($44 million)
6. The pro forma MCCSR after reflecting the new financing, the latest capital requirements for segregated fund guarantees, and market movements since September 30th is estimated at a very robust 225 per cent, which is well above the Company's target range of 180 to 200 per cent.
7. Premiums and deposits amounted to $16.4 billion in the third quarter of 2008, compared to $16.8 billion for the same period last year.
8. Insurance sales were up 16 per cent while Wealth Management sales were down 6 per cent reflecting very unsettled markets.
9. new business embedded value generated in the quarter amounted to $540 million, compared to $514 million for the same period last year.
10. Total funds under management as at September 30, 2008 were $385.3 billion, $14.1 billion lower than last year. Net policyholder cash flows of $17 billion and favourable currency movements of $19 billion were overshadowed by an approximate $52 billion decrease due to market value declines.
11. Total capital was $29.0 billion as at September 30, 2008, $1.7 billion higher than $27.3 billion as at September 30, 2007.
12. a quarterly shareholders' dividend of $0.26 per share on the common shares of the Company payable on or after December 19, 2008 to shareholders of record at the close of business on November 18, 2008.
台灣yahoo: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
新浪Sina: http://graham_choi2003.mysinablog.com/
香港yahoo: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/mr-market/
i want to know why her new business ev increased slightly although the profit dropped sharply ?
回覆刪除luckily, the dividend was maintained
Mr Market,
回覆刪除Will you update your personal MPF in your BLOG?
Dear Mr.Market
回覆刪除Someone ask Tony about this question. What do you think?
Dear Mr. Market,
回覆刪除Why not change the portfolio to more (in terms of percentage) Chinese Financial companies such as banking stock or insurance?
It seems that they have more earning growth as proposed by Philip Fisher?
回覆刪除本人買了渣打,請問渣打何時派中期息?我之前見你的Post,你說已收到,但我仍然沒有,可否幫忙,我想confirm 是哪天派的,謝謝。
回覆刪除你之前幫你的家人用較高價買入股票, 現在他們的心情如何? 他們有沒有怪責你呢? 是否跟你一樣安心持有?
回應魔術師楊威利: 有趣, 問巴菲特借一千萬的故事的確疑點重重.
回覆刪除回應r: 新業務價值是一個精算的結果, 有假設的成份, 並非單看一年的盈利.
回應Derek: 月供股票應該明天買貨. 收到交易記錄會update.
回應無名士: 如果我印象無錯, 1994年匯豐的股價仍然比現價低好多.
回應無名士2: 我也認為中資金融股, 尤其是人壽保險股未來增長強勁.
回應無名士3: 我記得渣打派中期息是在10月8日左右.
回應小興-kk: 仍然未怪責我, 仍然安心持有. 不過, 如果5年內股價仍然低過買入價, 就唔敢包, 我當然有信心5年內股價會高過買入價.
回應r: 初步睇, 宏利業績唔算差.
回覆刪除Could you share your view on the outlook of Manulife Corp (short term and long term)? Even though she dropped so much, she has tendency to reach 130 again. If she can't re-bound at that level, I'm afraid she would drop further to 110, which I think would be the bottom based on my technical analysis. Cheers!
回覆刪除回應Andy : 已經印左宏利的業績資料, 睇完會update.
回覆刪除Thank you so much. You're so nice.
回覆刪除A linkage for MFC Q308 highlight. My understanding is: 6 CAD banks bailout MFC with CAD$3B injection.
回應無名士: 手上宏利的資料好多, 有排睇, 但好有用. 遲d睇完會update大家