Just want to know which bank you are using for setting up your saving plan of HK stocks. If I want to set up a long term saving plan like yours, please suggest what shares I can subscirbe now.
Why not set up your portfolio like a fund with fund price ? Say for example, now your asset value is ~4279830, set your fund price as $1 and there are 4279830 unit. This will give a better picture of how your portfolio perform compared with the index.
回覆刪除1. 要幫國家外匯洩洪;
2. 準備收購國內/國外銀行 - 借今次收購機會吸收經驗. 順便吸收一些真正既國際管理人才既經驗(但係永亨現時好似唔多), 方便將來向外闖, 亦可以做佢既金融平台
3. 現價PE 永亨平過永隆, 管理質素大家差唔多的話, 點解要買貴貨先?林森池大師講過, 銀行的盈利能力先至重要, 賬面值最有用的時候是清盤/賣盤的時候。
永亨最新價: $110.207每股賬面值: $35.55, PB: 3.1; 每股盈利: $6.89, 市盈率: 15.99
永隆最新價: $140.5, 07每股賬面值: $53.75, PB: 2.6; 每股盈利: $5.91, 市盈率: 23.77
4. 參考過DBS用3倍PB收購道亨經驗, 收購後之後好快有錢賺.
5. 永亨目前由馮鈺斌家族持有約 21.3%權益,國壽既不用全部收購, 又可有港澳一間銀行既話事權, 又可以以永亨嘅名義擴充大陸嘅銀行生意.
用60億既錢可以完全控制一間銀行, 抵啦!!!
Mr. Market,
回覆刪除Just want to know which bank you are using for setting up your saving plan of HK stocks. If I want to set up a long term saving plan like yours, please suggest what shares I can subscirbe now.
Many thanks.
Dear Mr. Market,
回覆刪除Why not set up your portfolio like a fund with fund price ? Say for example, now your asset value is ~4279830, set your fund price as $1 and there are 4279830 unit. This will give a better picture of how your portfolio perform compared with the index.
回應茶餐廳老板: 多謝留言.
回覆刪除回應Nelson: 在中銀月供股票幾抵, 我供5隻股票共15,000蚊, 費用只係50蚊. 月供對象可以從我的永久組合中選擇: 5, 945, 2318, 2628, 3328, 3968.
回應wl:你的提議幾好, 遲d有時間可以試下